Do You Need It or Just Want It?
We might be alike. I was a daily drinker for years. Decades? Not heavy, just a couple glasses of wine in the evening; but we now know that daily drinking is physically, mentally, and emotionally damaging.
So, I cut way back and wrote Mostly Sober: A Love Story and a Road Trip about a woman who must leave her hidden infatuation with alcohol in order to reach her life goals and marry the man she loves.
I hope to help others loosen alcohol’s seductive grip. Release date is coming soon.
A bit of my background: My father died at 60 from alcoholism. He’d left us when I was 12, remarried, and adopted his second wife’s daughter who replaced me. I was kicked to the curb and decades later am still recovering from that wound.
A piece of that recovery included alcohol. I’ll be writing a few posts to help others who may have turned to a bottle to ease trauma.
But a caveat: I’m not providing medical advice. My story is not about overcoming Alcohol Use Disorder. I was never physically addicted. I didn’t need it; I just wanted it.
Come along, if you like, and I’ll continue to share my story. It might help you or someone you care about loosen the persistent embrace of alcohol.